Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras has become the first IIT to introduce sports quota for its undergraduate admissions and will create two supernumerary seats in each course from the 2024-25 academic session, according to its director V Kamakoti.Currently, the IITs do not have a sports quota while many of the country's premier universities, including Delhi University, do."Starting from 2024-2025 academic session, IIT Madras will offer two supernumerary seats per undergraduate programme for Indian nationals under the Sports Excellence Admission (SEA) programme. We are the first IIT to introduce sports quota and the idea is to reward and encourage students who have achieved a certain level of excellence in sports of their choice," Kamakoti told PTI."Twoseats per programme will be allotted through the SEA. While one will be gender-neutral, other will be female-only," he added. To be eligible for admission through SEA, candidates must have secured a position in the Common Rank List (CRL) or category-wise rank list in the JEE (Advanced) and must have won at least one medal in any national and international-level sports competition in the last four years.
Source-IIT Madras