How should parents be involved and maintain boundaries in their child’s future?

"Your children are not your children," wrote Khalil Gibran, words that echo across generations, a gentle reminder that our little ones, however fiercely loved, are not mere extensions of ourselves. In their hearts bloom seeds of dreams, not ours to dictate, paths not ours to map. And yet, as parents, we find ourselves in this constant, delicate dance – nurturing their growth while respecting the boundaries of their unfolding destinies.

To weave the intricate tapestry of involvement and autonomy, we begin with understanding. Our children, like explorers, venture into a world we've already explored. Instead of smothering them with pre-determined answers, offer the gentle touch of guidance, the kind that illuminates paths without dictating destinations. Remember Indira Gandhi, the young girl who devoured biographies of freedom fighters, dreaming of a just and equitable India? Instead of stifling her with pre-determined political paths, her parents nurtured her fiery spirit, providing books and fuelling discussions that would one day become the embers of her remarkable political career.

But even the most vibrant dreams need boundaries, not as rigid walls, but as flexible guideposts that ensure safety and respect. Think of them like the ancient banyan tree, offering shade and support while allowing new branches to reach for the sky. Remember Satyajit Ray, the aspiring filmmaker who longed to explore stories beyond the confines of his village? Instead of imposing rigid expectations, his parents encouraged his artistic pursuits, setting boundaries around academic responsibilities while allowing him to explore the world through his lens, eventually culminating in the birth of a cinematic legend.

Letting go, perhaps, is the most poignant act in this dance. Watching our children spread their wings and take flight across the vast, uncharted skies of their destinies can be both exhilarating and melancholic.

There's no singular melody in the vast symphony of Indian parenthood. The dance will have its stumbles, its moments of discord, but through it all, let love be the constant rhythm. Offer support, not dictation. Guide, not control. And when the time comes, let go with a heart brimming with pride, knowing that you've raised not just children, but individuals ready to paint their own vibrant stories on the canvas of life. As Gibran wisely reminds us, "They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you." They belong to themselves, to their dreams, to the future they'll forge with the seeds of love and guidance you've planted along the way. So, dance with them, celebrate their individuality, and trust that when their wings are strong enough, they'll soar, etching their own chapters in the rich tapestry of Indian history.