"Odisha's Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik, has launched two transformative initiatives geared towards empowering the state's youth. The Nutana Unnata Abhilasha Odisha scheme, unveiled on Monday, offers scholarships to undergraduate and postgraduate students, catering to various categories with amounts ranging from Rs 9,000 to Rs 11,000. Additionally, the government introduced the Nabin Odisha Magic Card, a pioneering smart card system, set to revolutionize youth engagement and support. This innovative card operates on a points-based system, enabling access to educational resources, skill development opportunities, and an array of benefits, including fare concessions, online courses, and access to sports facilities. With online registration beginning on March 5 and distribution scheduled for August 15, these initiatives underscore the government's proactive efforts in nurturing the potential and welfare of Odisha's youth."
