Q. Could you provide us with a brief overview of your professional background and areas of expertise?

From Playful Beginnings to Educational Excellence: The Journey of LITTLE KINGDOM SCHOOL.- Dr. Hema Devarajan, Founder & Senior principal

It's been 30 years since I stepped into this profession. A Passionate storyteller, dedicated teacher's coach I balance work life with spiritual insights and the soothing embrace of music. Got a deep affection for fiction reading and enjoy conducting parenting sessions with a touch of empathy and understanding.

In the bustling landscape of education, where nurturing young minds is paramount, LITTLE KINGDOM SCHOOL stands tall as a symbol of hope of holistic learning and academic excellence, this institution provides quality education up to the twelfth grade, affiliated by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and also our school is the first school in Tirupur to be ac- credited by NABET, QCI. The journey of LITTLE KINGDOM SCHOOL is not just a narrative of growth, but a testament to un- wavering commitment and vision.

Q. Could you highlight some of your key accomplishments in the field of education?

During my journey as an educator, I’m humbled to win numerous awards which include the Mahila Shakti Shiromani Award by Antar Rashtriya Samrasta Manch, Shikshak Ratna Award by Rashtriya Samta Swatantra Manch, Outstanding Administrator of the Year by Global Education, Influential Educator from EducationToday and much more. I feel motivated to do even better for my teachers and students. Having travelled to more than 9 countries, I bring the best of what education does in these countries and train my teachers to uphold the efficient techniques practiced in those countries.

Q. What impactful changes or innovations have you implemented in the education segment, and what further advancements would you like to see or implement in the field of education?

All our students are aware of their surroundings. We are the first school in Tirupur to go with the MOM concept (Mindfulness, being Organized and Minimalism). Our students know the need to be self-sustainable and the need to be mindful in whatever they do. They were taken on a city tour to make them comprehend how unmindful we are about our environment; and how inhuman we are to the natural resources and were taught the need to be accountable for their actions. That’s how we initiated the making of Eco bricks, where students collect polythene bags and other polythene materials from their homes and neighbourhood and stuff them in plastic bottles. We are proud of the fact that we built two structures using these Eco bricks gifted by our students and these structures stand as our pride wall. This initiative also motivated our school students to learn to make paper bags and distribute them free of cost to the nearby shops. This small but impactful initiative has sown lots of positivity in our students and also their families. 

Another unique feature of our school space is the Democratic Culture. We always ensure that each child has his or her own say in every decision we take for them. We go with the polling system and each class frames its own rules. This invisibly plays a big role in grooming them to be more disciplined, organised, and encourages them to have integrity in their work and be cautious enough not to break the rules set by them.

Our city known as the KNIT CITY, is a place where there’s lots of scope for entrepreneurs in the clothing industry. Hence, we have Finance Markets Management as a subject for students from IX to XII. This subject has given them an insight into share markets, trends in the market, how to use money wisely, and above all they learn about wise investments. 

The first change I would like to bring to the field of education will be the demolition of caste-based entry. India being a secular country should abolish this system. We have completed 76 fruitful years of independence and still, there are places in India which is far from development. Education should be accessible to all and government schools should give quality education to the students who join in.

Q. What advice can you give emerging education professionals/fellow educators regarding essential leadership qualities in this field?

Updating ourselves is the key.  During my journey as a leader, I updated myself by completing a course called the ‘Iron Lady’ programme by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. You need to be compassionate and empathetic as well. Every teacher who enters this profession shall be on choice and not on chance and they shall be lifelong learners. Hence, we as leaders should train ourselves and others, especially being in our profession as educators.