My journey in the education sector commenced in 2009, marking a 15-year tenure of dedication and growth in this field. My postgraduate in the USA was a pivotal point in my career, especially when I undertook a comprehensive re- search project focused on the Indian education system. This research was not just an academic exercise; it delved deep into the strengths and weaknesses of the system, highlighting the various challenges and potential areas for improvement. This exploration was enlightening and fuelled my passion. It was a moment of clarity for me, ast real- ized my calling lay in contributing to the education sector. I was driven by a strong desire to bridge the existing gaps between the system's objectives and the challenges it faces, thereby making a meaningful impact in this domain.

Q. What impactful changes or innovations have you implemented in the education segment, and what further advancements would you like to see or implement in the field of education?

Over the past decade, the perception of education has shifted remarkably. Initially focussed on achieving high scores, the emphasis has now moved towards comprehensive learning and life skills development. This transformation has been significantly supported by technological innovations. Online learning platforms, the role of technology during the COVID-19 times, advanced evaluation methodologies, and the use of machine learning for in-depth analysis of students' scores and learning patterns exemplify this shift. The integration of technology in education is akin to a growing snowball, gathering momentum and scale. It's crucial that we stay attuned to educators' needs, ensuring consistent progress in the learning process. Leveraging technology effectively can enhance and augment our educational practices, benefitting both educators and learners.

Q. What advice can you give emerging education professionals/fellow educators regarding essential leadership qualities in this field?

In an era where AI capabilities have reached a point where they can pass medical exams, and answers to various queries are readily accessible, my advice extends to all educators, not just the emerging ones. It's imperative for us to remain relevant in our teaching methods and evolve the methods of teaching and evaluation accordingly. The advent of AI in education should be viewed not as a replacement for traditional teaching methods, but as a tool to enhance and simplify the educational process. Similar to how the invention of calculators didn't eliminate the need to learn mathematics, AI should be used to complement and augment education. It's about harnessing AI to make learning accessible to everyone, simplifying complex processes while maintaining the essence of education. This approach will ensure that we, as educators, continue to provide valuable, relevant, and effective learning experiences.