Q. Could you provide us with a brief overview of your professional background and areas of expertise?

It was in 1993 that I moved to Bangalore, India’s IT city, from the north eastern state of Assam, and this was a turning point in my life. I had always dreamt of nurturing ‘leaders of tomorrow’ and Greenwood High International School, Bangalore, provided me the foundation to fulfil that goal. I have always been passionate about education and I believe our school has reached newer heights of excellence in moulding the young minds of tomorrow. I have been in the education domain since 2010, when I got involved in the management of the school. This initiative gave me a sense of direction and fulfilment. Today I am dedicated to the field of education and want to reach my full potential in this noble profession. It’s my aim to open more schools to meet the growing demand for education not just in Bengaluru, but across India as well. Today, Greenwood High has over 7500 children and this number will only grow. I am a graduate in Economics and am also interested in art, music, dance and theatre that goes back to my student days in Assam. I was heading the Cultural Association in Guwahati, Assam. With all these interests, I am able to give the best to the School too.

Q. Could you highlight some of your key accomplishments in the field of education?

A major decision that I took at Greenwood High was to have an international curriculum like IB & IGCSE running alongside the Indian ICSE board curriculum. This gives children the choice to decide in their formative years if they wish to go for higher studies abroad. On the professional front I feel proud that I am the Managing Trustee of a reputed institution like Greenwood High that runs 2 ICSE Schools, 2 IB School and 5 pre-schools across the city.

Q. What impactful changes or innovations have you implemented in the education segment, and what further advancements would you like to see or implement in the field of education?

I feel this is the time when we need to integrate greater extent of technology into every sphere of learning as part of both curriculum and activities outside curriculum. As we step into the future, the educational field in the next few years will explode technologically and we need to be ready to experience and adapt to disruptions across the educational segment. I consider creating a strategic plan for the school, using a collaborative process that involves all faculty and staff, as a significant achievement. 

We should also keep in view that students are seeking an integration of learning between formal education and life experiences. They recognize the importance of not only acquiring traditional academic knowledge but also developing interpersonal skills, empathy, respect, and open-mindedness, which are essential for navigating today’s complex world. All this will influence and shape the advancements in education that we seek to conceptualize and implement. With the advent of the internet and revolutionary tools like ChatGPT, the landscape of knowledge acquisition and dissemination has been radically altered. This era, characterized by immediate access to information and sometimes to knowledge itself, necessitates a redefinition of the educator’s role. All this will influence and shape the advancements in education that we seek to conceptualize and implement.

Q. What advice can you give emerging education professionals/fellow educators regarding essential leadership qualities in this field?

I believe education should help in learning new skills, knowledge and outlook to life that is modern and vibrant. Education should be a vehicle of improvement and advancement of not only the schools, but of the nation at a broader level. This generation, according to me is truly sincere, dedicated, experimental and keen to adopt new practices of learning with new challenges and in order to educate. As a leader I truly believe that one has to be positive and give timely feedback to the team. I am highly approachable to my team and follow an open-door policy and have a very hands-on approach as well. I believe in ethical business practices and feel that my honesty and transparency as a person has helped me win the confidence and trust of the management team. I honestly feel that there is no substitute for hard work and believe in speaking my mind. This goes a long way in creating a positive environment where growth can flourish. My vision is also to provide opportunity and access to education for those who are underserved and work towards a more integrated and responsive educational system.