Q. Could you provide us with a brief overview of your professional background and areas of expertise?

I started my career as a ground duty officer in the Indian Air Force but due to endless thirst and hunger for teaching and learning, I resigned from the post and joined as PGT in a residential inter-college named Electra Vidhyapeeth, Meerut followed by numerous positions of leadership in various schools that gave me an opportunity to show my expertise. As a testament to my hard work, I received several laurels in the form of shields and awards. With the rich experience I gained, I laid the foundation for my own dream school Suditi Educational Group on May 9, 2009. Suditi Global Academy in Mainpuri, Etawah, Auraiya, Jaswant Nagar (Etawah) and Firozabad is running successfully under my supervision and directorship. 

Q. Could you highlight some of your key accomplishments in the field of education?

In my career as an educator, I have received a lot of awards, prominent of them are the ‘JEWEL OF INDIA’, ‘GEM OF INDIA’, ‘PRANT RATNA’, ‘INDIRA GANDHI EXCELLENCE AWARD’, ‘EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION’, ‘CV RAMAN GOLD AWARD’ and many more. I also received the Honour of ‘Doctor of Literature’ from Ballsbridge University. In 2023, I was awarded with Visionary Education Technology Leader Award by Education World & Most Influential Educator of the Year by EducationToday.

Q. What impactful changes or innovations have you implemented in the education segment, and what further advancements would you like to see or implement in the field of education?

My aim in life is to serve mankind, society and the country after promoting education among human beings, especially for the poor and downtrodden section of the society. I believe in the Gandhian theory of ‘Sarvodaya’ and in peace and non-violence. I aspire to be a courageous, fearless, bold and brave social worker. I think education should be imparted to the children based on values of love and affection and there should not be any line of distinction among different sects of society. To fulfil this aim to serve humanity, I have established some schools with free education for the poor and downtrodden. 

Being the Director of Suditi Global Academy, Mainpuri I am trying to light the divine flame of spiritual knowledge for the helpless persons. During teaching and learning, I have seen so many ebbs and flows in my life which have taught me that, administration must be based on accomplishing self-respect, confidence and mutual love irrespective of caste, creed or other parochial sentiments. I think that the country’s name & fame rests on the students. The objectives of our school are to impart lessons of hard work, high morality, character, discipline, selfless service and love for all.

Q. What advice can you give emerging education professionals/ fellow educators regarding essential leadership qualities in the field?

As an educator, I've witnessed countless colleagues rise to leadership roles, some flourishing and others faltering. I've learned that education leadership isn't about titles or positions; it's about the qualities you embody and the impact you make. So, to my fellow educators, both new and seasoned, here are some essential leadership qualities I believe are crucial in our ever-evolving field:

1. Be a Visionary, Not Just a Doer:

Articulate your vision clearly, not just for yourself, but for your team, students, and the broader community. Remember, a shared vision inspires collective action.

2. Cultivate Empathy and Emotional Intelligence:

Our students, colleagues, and families come with diverse experiences and emotions. Cultivate empathy to understand their perspectives and navigate challenges with sensitivity. Emotional intelligence allows you to manage your own emotions effectively, creating a calm and supportive environment for others to thrive.

3. Foster Collaboration, Not Competition:

Break down silos and encourage collaboration among teachers, parents, and community members. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats.

4. Embrace Lifelong Learning and Innovation:

The world is constantly changing, and education must adapt. Encourage innovation in your team and embrace calculated risks to create a dynamic learning environment.

5. Advocate for Your Students and Profession:

Be a voice for your students, advocating for their needs and ensuring they have access to quality resources and opportunities. Speak up for your profession, challenging harmful stereotypes and promoting the vital role educators play in society.

6. Lead by Example:

Demonstrate integrity, passion, and a commitment to excellence in everything you do. Your students and colleagues will learn more from your actions than your words.

7. Be a Relentless Optimist and Changemaker:

Believe in the potential of your students, your colleagues, and the education system. Be a changemaker, even in small ways.

8. Practice Self-Care and Prioritise Well-being:

Prioritise your physical and mental well-being. Engage in activities that nourish your soul and recharge your batteries.

9. Celebrate the Journey, Not Just the Destination:

Leadership is a marathon, not a sprint. Celebrate the small wins, learn from the challenges, and enjoy the journey of making a difference.

10. Remember, We're All in This Together:

Education is a noble profession, but it can be demanding. Remember, you're not alone. Build a strong support network of fellow educators, mentors, and friends. Share your experiences, learn from each other, and uplift one another.

By cultivating these essential leadership qualities, you can make a profound impact on the lives of your students, colleagues, and the future of education. Remember, leadership is not about titles or positions; it's about the difference you make in the world. Now go forth, lead with passion, and inspire others to do the same!