Q. Could you highlight some of your key contributions in the field of education?

Educational field is fast evolving and we have to keep pace with the advancements.We were pioneers in introducing the Delhi Public School in the state of Karnataka under the dynamic leadership my father and our revered Chairman Dr. Shri K. Rahman Khan.We are currently running 6 branches of Delhi Public School in Bangalore and Mysore. Besides this, two branches of School of India are also the brain children of the Trust. These are Schools that provide high quality, affordable, inclusive education to tier 2 and tier 3 towns in the state of Karnataka, India. Recognising that students need enabling spaces for meaningful education, all our schools are functioning in sprawling, verdant campuses with state-of-the-art facilities and are ranked among the top schools of CBSE and DPS Society, both in the city of Bengaluru and in India. The schools are also affiliated with the Cambridge International Education (CIE) and International Baccalaureate (IB). All the schools have a strong National Institute for Open Schooling (NIOS) wing which provides choices for students to continue learning .The schools have partnerships with institutions in France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, and Sri Lanka. They also have programs for teachers with UCL, London, University of Missouri, and University of Iowa where teacher trainees from the UK and USA are attached for travel abroad and experience credits. The schools under the KK Educational and Charitable Trust umbrella have received awards and accolades from National and International Organizations. They were also featured in the Forbes magazine and the Rotary International publications for their social outreach crowdfunding activities. Our faculty are recipients of National Awards Constituted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, CBSE, NABET, FICCI, Fortune 50 group and the US Fulbright Awards.

I have been a strong supporter of creating happy and safe schools and have been personally involved in creating of green campuses, and ICT-enabled sustainable schools. My deep commitment towards social welfare, charity, and philanthropy steers all my educational endeavours. My current position as the Secretary, Ghalib Education Society Trustee, Jamia Masjid, and Muslim Charitable Trust, in Bangalore, and President, Karnataka Baitul Hujjaj Trust Member, Central Muslim Association of Karnataka Member, and Al-Ameen Education Society, in Bangalore are all avenues to promote the cause of education.

Q. What impactful changes or innovations have you implemented in the education segment and what further advancements would you like to see or implement in the field of education ?

As an educational Trust, KK Educational & Charitable Trust, we ensure that the students in our schools should have the most memorable 15 years of schooling and leave their alma mater as confident young adults. We work towards creating school eco- systems where all stakeholders feel welcome and valued. As ardent promoters of inclusion, our institutions cater to diverse needs and offer scholarships to deserving students. Our schools have worked on numerous projects for educating the girl child , empowering women and offer a number of welfare measures for our staff too. The schools also lay huge emphasis on teacher capacity building, student leadership, parent participation, alumni engagement and partnering with the community, thereby empowering all stakeholders. Our schools implement a robust technology infrastructure throughout to enhance learning experiences. We create flexible learning environments that accommodate various teaching and learning styles thus enhancing engagement and collaboration among students. Emphasizing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) education also prepare our students for the demands of the 21st-century workforce. Recognizing the importance of social and emotional skills alongside academic achievement, integrating SEL into the curriculum, promoting global awareness and cultural competency prepare our students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

As a member of the School Management Board, there are several advancements I would like to see implemented in the field of education: Beginning with quality education being accessible to every child in the country, I would mention Emphasis on Critical Thinking, Integration of Technology, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Lifelong Learning Skills, Global Citizenship Education, Well-being and Mental Health Support and Teacher Professional Development. By embracing these changes, we can create a more dynamic, inclusive, and effective educational system that prepares students to thrive in the 21st century and contribute positively to society.

Q. What advice can you give emerging education professionals or fellow educators regarding essential leadership qualities in this field?

Effective leaders in education should have a clear vision for the future of their schools or educational institutions. This vision should be rooted in a deep understanding of the needs of students, staff, parents and the community, and this should drive all decision-making and actions. Education is a collaborative endeavor, and the effective leaders should recognize the importance of building and maintaining strong teams. They should foster a culture of collaboration, trust, and mutual respect among staff members, encouraging teamwork and shared decision-making. Integrity and ethical behavior are non-negotiable for educational leaders. They should demonstrate honesty, fairness, empathy and transparency in all their interactions and prioritize the well-being and success of students and staff above all else. Effective leaders in education are lifelong learners who are committed to their own professional development and growth. They should seek out opportunities for learning, reflection, self-improvement, and e courage a culture of continuous learning among their staff. By embodying these essential leadership qualities, emerging education professionals and fellow educators can make a positive impact on their schools and communities, ultimately contributing to create a better world through education.