Hailing from a rural background in Andhra Pradesh and being the daughter of a headmaster and headmistress, I have been inspired to pursue excellence in academics. The impetus to step into the education sector was my mother, who was heading a government residential school.  When in a dilemma, I tend to take a step back and introspect as to how my mother would handle the issue and that helps me decide the next step. As the Convenor of the Education Committee of the Karnataka Central Diocese, with about 15 Educational Institutions under my belt, I took up the task of introducing a central common examination system for our institutions to provide an unbiased and transparent examination process. A few of my achievements include a Leadership award from IIM Lucknow, the Mother Teresa Shiksha Rattan Award, Mahila Jyoti Award and the National Education Excellence Award for the year 2017. I have also been awarded the ‘Best Principal of the Year’ in 2017 by Praxis Media Ltd and was among the Top 50 Effective Principals in India for the year 2019 by EducationToday.