Happy Hours School's recent Graduation Day ceremony was a vibrant celebration of not just academic achievements, but also the journey of personal growth and development. With the theme centered around the lifecycle of a flower, the event beautifully illustrated how the optimum amounts of sunlight, water, and air are essential for a flower's blossoming. Similarly, the right amount of love, care, and time invested by parents in their children's lives can lead to positive transformations. The thematic presentations resonated deeply with the audience, highlighting the importance of holistic nurturing in a child's upbringing. The presence of esteemed guests of honour added prestige and encouragement to the occasion. Ms. Reeta Sharma, ACP Cyber Crime, Shahdara; Mr. Vikram Shokeen, Chef at Hotel Ashok, ITDC; along with Mr. Kamal Sagarand Mr. Ravinder from Aap Beeti News Channel, graced the event with their presence. Their participation not only honoured the achievements of the graduating students but also underscored the significance of community engagement in fostering educational excellence. The program was met with huge success, as parents and grandparents witnessed the young graduates adorned with crowns and receiving scrolls, symbolizing their accomplishments and readiness to embark on new journeys. The event served as a poignant reminder of the collaborative efforts required to nurture future generations, leaving attendees inspired and hopeful for the bright futures ahead for the students of Happy Hours School.

Source-Press Release