The National Medical Commission (NMC) has issued clarifications in response to doubts and queries raised by stakeholders regarding the Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations-2023 (PGMER-23). The NMC has thoroughly reviewed the concerns raised and provided detailed responses in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The PGMER-23 was previously announced by the Commission and officially published in the Gazette on January 1, 2024. Upon receiving requests for clarification on certain provisions of the PGMER-23 from stakeholders, the NMC has examined these queries and compiled point-wise explanations in the FAQs. These FAQs cover a range of topics related to post-graduate medical education, including leave entitlements, attendance requirements, residency program postings, dissertation evaluation procedures, and additional courses in ethics and cardiac life support skills. Key points addressed in the FAQs include the allowance for leave, attendance requirements for examinations, residency program locations, evaluation methods for dissertations, preparation, and maintenance of logbooks, mandatory courses, and the timeline for applying for PG courses or increasing PG seats.
