Meet Nilkrishna Gajare, who clinched the top spot in the 2024 JEE Main 2024 exams, setting his sights on pursuing a BTech in Computer Science from IIT Bombay. Hailing from a farming background, Gajare's journey began in his village and took him to Nagpur for coaching. Despite the challenges, he excelled, securing an impressive 97 percent in his Class 10 exams. His approach to success was diligent analysis of exam papers, targeted focus on weak areas, and relentless practice through revisions and repeated question solving. "I have set a target and feel good after achieving that. My father is a farmer. I started preparations in Nagpur when I was in class 11th... My, further target is to get a good rank in JEE advance to secure a seat at IIT Bombay in the Computer Science branch and to do something for the country after becoming a good engineer. Many students are consuming social media too much. I would advise whoever is preparing to give away social media. I understand that entertainment is needed, as this is a two-year journey. I used to watch movies once a week.
