Ganguly was addressing speaking at the 34th foundation day of Kabir Shanti Mission. A discussion was also organized on the topic ‘Indian thought on education and Current Educational Scenario’. Ramesh Chandra Tripathi, former secretary, government of India and former secretary general - RajyaSabha, attended as the chief guest. In his keynote address, Ganguly said that it was very important to integrate value education and skill-based education so that children could grab most of the opportunities which globalisation was ushering for them. In this respect, he spoke in detail about the importance of NEP2020 and how would change the entire Indian education system.Ganguly said that children must be provided with holistic education and three bad ‘C’s must be avoided competition , compulsion and comparison. According to him, with proper implementation of NEP2020, the education system will be of global standard and back again from Zoom to Gurukul ideals in near future.

Source-S. Gopakumar