KIIT World School, New Delhi is celebrating a momentous achievement as its Class XII students excelled in the CBSE 2023-24 board examinations. This success reflects the students' diligent efforts and the school's relentless pursuit of excellence. Among the top achievers, Saksham Aggarwal and DhruvSharma, both from the Commerce stream, emerged as joint school toppers, each securing an impressive 491 out of 500 marks. Additionally, Himani Dhaka earned a perfect score in Psychology, while Dhruv Sharma achieved the same in Business Studies, underscoring their exceptional mastery in these subjects. The school’s overall performance is further highlighted by an outstanding average score of 84.10 and a remarkable total of 695 distinctions earned by 155 students. These figures not only reflect the academic prowess of the students but also the effectiveness of KIIT World School's, New Delhi holistic educational approach, which aims to nurture well-rounded individuals.
Source-Press Release