Indian Institute of Technology (IIT -Delhi) has inaugurated its third batch of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) mentorship programme that is tailored for high school girls studying in Classes 9 and 11. This year, over 200 nomination applications were received from various Delhi government schools, KendriyaVidyalaya Schools (Delhi-NCR region), and private schools. A total of 100 candidates have been chosen for the third batch. The STEM Mentorship Program will unfold in three comprehensive phases. The “summer phase” — spanning from May 14 to May 24 — will feature a 9-day workshop. The participants will be immersed in STEM domains through expert lectures, laboratory demonstrations, and hands-on problem-solving sessions. Additionally, a Maker Space workshop at IIT Delhi will provide students with hands-on experience in DIY projects. In the subsequent “At the school” phase, between July and November 2024, participants will engage in the Sci-Tech Spins lecture series to be held monthly on Saturdays.