The Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) announced the PUC results 2024 today at 10 am. PUC results are available on the official website A total of 6,81, 079 students appeared for Karnataka board PUC 2 exams, of which 552690 have passed taking the overall pass percentage to 81.15%.The Karnataka Board conducted the class 12 exams from March 1 to March 22, in pen-paper mode. The PUC exam was conducted in a single shift — from 10:15 am to 1:30 pm. More than 6 lakh students appear for the PUC exams at over 1000 exam centres across the state. The students can check the Karnataka Board PUC result at the official KSEAB website — after 11 am. “The reason for an increase in pass percentage is because of the 80-20 question paper pattern — 80 marks of theory and 20 marks of internal assessment. Moreover, out of the 80 marks for theory, 20 marks are Multiple Choice questions which have contributed to an increase in pass percentage. Moreover even these non-science subjects like mathematics, social science fall under the 80-20 pattern. This was not the case last year,” said.