In an effort to promote healthy eating habits and raise awareness about millets, the Ministry of Education has urged all states and union territories in India to introduce millet-based dishes in school canteens. This initiative comes as part of the ongoing International Year of Millets, a global campaign aimed at highlighting the nutritional benefits of these coarse cereals According to a statement released by the ministry on July 5, it had previously written to all states and union territories in April, requesting them to share a month-wise calendar of activities related to millets. However, the ministry expressed disappointment as the requested information is still pending. It has now sent a reminder to the concerned officials, urging them to take immediate action. "Kindly instruct the concerned officials in your State/UT for taking suitable actions to adopt millet-based recipes in the canteens/mess of the schools/offices and promote their health and nutritious benefits as well as provide month-wise calendar of activities to create awareness regarding the use of Shree Anna for the celebration of International Year of Millets to this Department at the earliest," stated the ministry.