A Conversation with the Visionaries Behind National Public School, JP Nagar

A brief Introduction on both of you and how you have been managing your institution as a dynamic duo?

To introduce ourselves, we are educationists and we have a passion to make a change in the society, wherein our current generation is able to come up as responsible citizens of the society. Being proficient leaders influencing to maximise the efforts of our team towards the achievement of our goal come true, we have poised on the threshold of change in the world of education. We are equipped with knowledge and competence to attain a sense of fulfilment with the education sector. We have accomplished an incredible community and have collaborated and collectively worked on embedding education boundaries with excellent knowledge imparted to our community.

QWhat is that one quality that makes your pair dynamic ?

Both of us carry the same vision of empowering our students. We are deeply committed towards the holistic development of a child and we would want to lead by example. We believe in taking up new initiatives for the overall development of the education sector which will motivate the school community to expand the boundaries of the school education. We have significantly contributed to our community and the education sector.

QYou both have different personalities. How do you balance one another or rather compliment each other?

Yes, we both have different personalities and have different opinions but we compliment each other as we respect each other's views and arrive at a common conclusion with a healthy discussion. We keep ourselves informed about each other's decisions pertaining to school. Clear areas of working helps us work better. We are resilient about our work in the education field and are result – driven. Each of us have un-wavering support in our professional development and we work towards a positive environment, boosting staff morals. We have transparent communication between us that builds trust and encourages a collaborative atmosphere.

QWhen it comes to decision-making, who takes a call in tough situations?

Majorly, it has been a joint decision as we understand that it’s important to consider the different opinions about the holistic impact of a problem. By doing this, we try to balance the risk associated. We are invigorated and determined leaders. We have set a congenial environment that ensures the educational community to be at its best and succeed to its maximum.

QHow do you feel about your personal life and professional life being deeply intertwined?

On the professional and personal front, we enjoy our work beyond explanation. We are passionate about what we do. We are self – reliant and oriented towards the end goal. We believe in empowering the individuals to endeavour to be successful.

QHow do you resolve problems when you have a difference of opinion?

In fact there has never been a chance where there was a difference of opinion as we gracefully accept and look towards learning from each other. We understand the fact that the baseline of working as a duo is striking balance between different approaches. Our dedicated expertise cultivates a sense of pride and commitment to achieve the common goal.

QAre there any situations when you felt empowered having the back of your husband/wife or a situation you have no idea how you might have dealt with without the support of your dynamic duo?

We are grateful to have each other’s support and haven’t dealt with such a situation and would never imagine this situation being dealt alone. The decision making process would not have been so smooth as it is now. We are proud of the fact that we work as an inseparable duo in achieving our goals. We work on the lines of immediate feedback and support system.

QWhat do you admire the most about being a partner with your dynamic duo?

The strong determined strength of each other helps us in making every decision strong. Our practices are aimed at blending traditions with innovation in education.

QWhat is the one quality you wish to learn from your dynamic duo regarding your school management?

We feel that one of us masters the art of identifying the true potential of our team members and the other one exhibits great sense of assessing the risks of any decisions and have a well curated back up plan. In the future we would want to add these qualities as the extra feathers of our personality.

QManaging a renowned school like yours is a huge responsibility. How do you divide the responsibilities for the smooth running of your institution?

For a fact, it is a huge responsibility which has been delivered at par with excellence. One being aggressive and tenacious in aiming the success of an educational world and the other being passive, however naturing to pursue the best as an educationist.

QHow do you handle difficult conversations with faculty or board meetings as a team?

We approach it with an open mind of assessing a situation on neutral grounds to conclude with a balanced decision. We exhibit great caution of not making different statements and we believe in hearing out the other side and review the decision taken. We ensure that every situation is faced with a calm mind.

QIs there a situation in your life where you had to make a professional decision on your own without discussing it with the other and you later felt esthetic or regretful?

There have been instances where we had to make a decision on our own but we never regretted it as we trust each other’s decision making process and hence uphold the decision.

QWhich is that one positive/ negative quality that work best for you as a dynamic duo?

We are of the strong belief of nurturing each other’s talent on their own grounds and being a great addition to their personal growth.

QHow do you keep your personal life and professional life separate when it comes to professional decisions?

The differences on professional and personal front are to be treated separately. It is important for us to assume the respective roles as per the environment which ensures great sense of bonding between us. This has preserved our sense of love and passion leading to achieving great heights in terms of professional and personal lives.