Education has never been about showcasing academic excellence or securing   high-paying   jobs.   It   has   a much broader perspective. Education is more about values, protecting the social fabric and shaping minds that believe in a sustainable and innovation- driven future.

No doubt our students are a step ahead when it comes to the digital world. However, possessing technical skills alone is not enough. Students must also develop a sense of responsibility and ethical behaviour when engaging with digital platforms. A balance between technology and ethics is absolutely necessary in which our educators have important roles to play.

To begin with we have to sanitise our students about the understanding of digital privacy and security, responsible digital behaviour, critical thinking through media literacy, practising collaboration and digital citizenship. The digital world is a double- edged sword and education about their misuse is primary to digital education.

Online privacy   and   security:   The   major c h a l l e n g e h e re i s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h cyberbullying, identity theft, and online scams. Cyberbullying is the most common form of security threat, it has the potential to ruin childhood and even kill innocence. As educators, we have to collaborate with different organisations to help them in educating our students about privacy settings, safe browsing habits, responsible uses, digital etiquette and the importance of passwords.

Responsible Digital Behaviour: As highlighted above cyberbullying and intense insult culture promoted by the rise of social media has derailed the long evolution of social harmony and culture set for generations. We have to help our students learn and unlearn a lot of behaviours again to keep up their moral compass for the betterment of themselves and society at large and here we can use the old school methods and activities to establish the importance of treating others with kindness, empathy, and respect in both face-to-face and online interactions. Lesson plans can also incorporate lessons on digital etiquette, discussing topics such as appropriate language.

Collaboration and digital citizenship: Digital world is all about community building, communities that don't see boundaries. To live in an inclusive future and present it is important to acknowledge, engage and respect diverse perspectives and cultures. This can be achieved by exposing studentsto different cultures and by promoting collaboration, empathy, and constructive dialogue in digital and physical spaces.

We at Radiant are committed to achieving high values and a well-esteemed moral compass in our students. To achieve the same sense in the digital era we continuously collaborate with students, teachers, parents, and the community at large. We want to start early and so we try to sensitise students regarding both the good and bad facets of the digital world.

We at Radiant are committed to achieving high values and a well-esteemed moral compass in our students. To achieve the same sense in the digital era we continuously collaborate with students, teachers, parents, and the community at large. We want to start early and so we try to sensitise students regarding both the good and bad facets of the digital world.

We at Radiant are committed to achieving high values and a well-esteemed moral compass in our students. To achieve the same sense in the digital era we continuously collaborate with students, teachers, parents, and the community at large. We want to start early and so we try to sensitise students regarding both the good and bad facets of the digital world.