Honouring Educational Excellence Each year, EducationToday orchestrates the India School Merit Awards survey, a hallmark event in the realm of education. This ranking initiative not only underscores the importance of acknowledging outstanding contributions to education but also highlights the imperative to evaluate and rank educational institutions. As the calendar inches closer to December, when the awards ceremony takes centre stage, this survey stands as a testament to EducationToday's growing reputation for impartial and reliable assessments of top-tier institutions across India. The synergy of offline and online surveys is pivotal, propelling educational institutions toward continuous enhancement for the collective good.

India School Merit Awards 2023: A Collaborative Evaluation Our discerning panel for the K-12 and higher education survey comprises the accomplished EducationToday team alongside a cohort of distinguished jury members. These luminaries, boasting 15-20 years of industry expertise, include venerable educationists and veterans in the field. Bound by a shared zeal to elevate India's educational standards, these jury members are the torchbearers of positive transformation.

Intrinsic to this survey is an exhaustive exploration, grounded in meticulous research, of the contemporary educational landscape in India, where quality reigns supreme. The institutions are meticulously appraised based on the calibre of education imparted, student enrollment, consumer satisfaction, and the symbiotic rapport between the service provider and recipient.

Delineating Excellence: The 2023 Survey Snapshot This year's survey amplifies its depth with a range of inquiries encompassing Individualized Student Attention, Academic Eminence, Digital Learning Advancements, Holistic Education, and more.

A dual-pronged approach ensures comprehensive insights: educators and parents are entrusted with distinct survey questionnaires. Accessible across prominent online platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn, the survey's reach extends even further with hardcopy forms dispatched to schools and higher education institutions.

The meticulous survey process involves nationwide distribution, spearheaded by our expert panel. Post submission, our team of specialists analyzes and categorizes the collected forms. Schools are selected based on their past accomplishments, meticulous analysis, jury opinions, and parental input. With over 2800 submissions annually, only a select cohort emerges as frontrunners.

Empowering Parents: A Singular Dimension Setting our survey apart is the pivotal role parents play in the evaluation process. Schools are encouraged to invite parents to appraise them based on predefined criteria, a facet we consider invaluable. Recognizing parents as primary stakeholders lends credibility to this phase, enriching our selection process.

Precise Classification for Credible Results To ensure accuracy, schools are categorized based on syllabi – CBSE, ICSE, and International – while preschools are grouped under Montessori, preschool, and daycare categories. This meticulous approach underpins the survey's authenticity and dedication to recognizing educational excellence.

Celebrating Triumph: The Awards and Beyond A cornucopia of award categories takes shape based on the survey findings. These outstanding institutions will grace the pages of the December issue of EducationToday magazine, securing a coveted spot at the physical India School Merit Awards event scheduled for December 2023 in Bangalore.

A Reverence for Excellence The pantheon of recognized schools from ISMA 2022 includes luminaries such as Greenwood High International School, NES International School, Alpha Group of Institutions, SSVM World School, N.L. Dalmia High School, and others. Their pursuit of educational eminence has catapulted them into this prestigious fold.

Write Your Chapter of Excellence: ISMA 2022 Awaits The forthcoming issue seeks to showcase trailblazing institutions relentlessly in their commitment to student enrichment. If your school embodies this spirit, seize the opportunity and register for ISMA 2022! The survey form awaits at educationtoday.co/survey, with convenient download options.

Join us as we celebrate a mosaic of educational brilliance, underpinned by the ethos of relentless advancement and excellence.