A plantation drive was organized for students of  KIIT Green Warriors Club  in association with Lions Club. Our esteemed guest  Environment Chairman Sh. D.V Taneja, Co opted member Punjab Mr. Deepak Kataria,  ShK.L. Luthra Chairman ASN senior secondary school Founder Chairman Sh. B.R Kamrah, Vice Chairman Dr. Harsh Kamrah, Principal Dr. Neelima Kamrah, along Headmistress Ms Rashmi Srivastava and seniors from KIIT Group of Colleges were invited to join the plantation drive. Students planted saplings of Ashoka, Ficus, Tulsi, Guava, Arjun, Kari leaves. The drive was carried out at different locations of the school. Students identified the area, cleaned it and prepared it for the plantation. This helped the students to understand the plethora of benefits of trees in their lives.