The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has initiated 'IIT Madras for All,' the BS degree (data science and applications) and the Inter-Disciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD) programmes today, in line with the features of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. IIT Madras through these programmes will provide a diverse range of educational opportunities with multiple entry and exit options. Students will be able to change disciplines and even pursue humanities specialization alongside technical programmes. IIT Madras is registered with the Academic Bank of Credits Portal (ABC Portal) under the Central Higher Education Institution category and 491 students of IIT Madras have registered in the ABC portal. Some of the key features of IIT Madras’ NEP implementation are; ‘IIT Madras for All’, BS Degree (Data Science) and Inter-Disciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD), Rural Interaction Center, Rural Technology Center and Centres that nurture student innovation like CFI. IIT Madras has established Rural Interaction Centres (RICs) in villages, that will provide access to quality education for rural students through technology.