Whether inside the classroom or out of it, NewAge World School has been a trail blazer in multifarious ways.  Its adoption of the smart classroom has gone a long way in creating an atmosphere conducive to learning. Learning during the pandemic did not pose an immense challenge as classroom teaching infused with technology was a regular norm. The creation of exemplary lesson plans by the NewAge Department of Excellence in Education (NDEE) especially designed for the purpose has made learning and teaching a very gratifying experience.

The vision of the school has been to nurture students in a holistic environment and make them resilient to face a rapidly changing world. An hour a day for outdoor games is built into the school time table keeping the physical well being of every student in mind. The NewAgeans also learn fine arts, performing arts, martial arts, vocal and instrumental music, chanting, yoga, theatre, dance, swimming, specialise in a sport/game under trained and famed professionals, all incorporated into the well-structured school curriculum. Students are constantly being reminded to apply the different R’s in living a more environment friendly life. In addition to Reduce, Reuse and  Recycle more emphasis is being given to Rethink and Refuse. Being mindful of the pressing global issues at hand, a conscious focus is being given to social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Various innovative practices have been embraced across various spheres. The school has supplied garbage segregation blue and green bins to the adjoining village of Mylappannahalli and educated the village folks on garbage segregation. As a result, the village is extremely clean and a sign of healthy living. The school has also been responsible for installing street lights for the village, thus reducing the chance of accidents and thefts at night. Overhead water storage tanks have been supplied to several homes to enable them to have access to running tap water. This innate civic sense has put the school a cut above the rest.

The Grade VIII students produced bio enzymes using vegetables and fruit peels, jaggery, yeast powder, and water. They did this in the lab under the guidance of their teacher. This chemical can be used as a cleaning agent, de-clogging sinks, and removing malodours, and silicate deposits on water taps. It is a far healthier option and can be used as a natural fertilizer for plants. Leaf composting has been producing manure to fertilise parts of the school campus. Kitchen waste composting is done using the waste from the school kitchen. The students make seed balls and seed Ganeshas to create more awareness and avoid the use of plastic. The effort is to sensitize the students about sustainable living and practices.

In addition to all these activities, there is a plan to start a vegetable garden. This is to help inculcate a deep sense of satisfaction and achievement that stems from reaping the benefits of the fruits of one’s labour, literally! These activities help instil a sense of responsibility for the environment amongst the children. The theme of sustainability is the leitmotif in several practices of the school, something that is much needed in today’s world.