The Madhya Pradesh government on Thursday collectively transferred Rs 196.6 crore to the bank accounts of 78,641 students, who secured 75 per cent or above in the Class 12 exam conducted by the state board for purchasing laptops. Chief Minister ShivrajSingh Chouhan clicked a button at an event here to initiate the process of transferring Rs25,000 each to the students’ accounts. The ‘gift’ to buy laptops will also be applicable to students from the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from next year, he said. Addressing students here, Chouhan said he loves children and won’t let their dreams shatter. “Our government is making all-out efforts for students to scale newer heights and in securing their future,” he said. “From next year, we are going to give Scooty (scooters) to all toppers. The laptop scheme will also cover CBSE students,” he said. The CM asserted he will ensure that no student leaves schooling due to constraints, adding that the education infrastructure in the state was being upgraded. Assembly elections are expected to be held in the BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh in the next few months.