National Constitution Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor at KIIT World School, Pitampura. The school organized a special assembly to commemorate the day, aiming to educate students about the significance of the Constitution of India and its drafting process. The event sought to instilla sense of pride and understanding among students regarding their fundamental rights and duties as citizens of the nation. One of the highlights of the assembly was a captivating role play presentation by students. The role play aimed to explain the intricacies of the drafting of the Constitution of India and shed light on the pivotal role played by visionaries like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Through this creative enactment, students were able to showcase the historical journey of framing the constitution.To assess the awareness and understanding of the students about the Constitution, a quiz was conducted during the assembly. The quiz covered various aspects, including the history of the Constitution, key features, and the contributions of prominent figures. This interactive session helped gauge the depth of knowledge among the students. A moment of national pride was experienced as students gathered to recite the Preamble of the Constitution. This exercise not only reinforced the values enshrined in the Constitution but also served as a reminder of the collective responsibility to uphold the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.Following the assembly, students participated in the creation of class constitutions. This activity encouraged them to reflect on the principles of democracy and governance, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership within the class community.Classroom discussions were held to delve deeper into the understanding of fundamental rights and duties. Students actively participated in conversations about the significance of these constitutional provisions and their role in shaping a just and inclusive society.

Source- Press release