Chitkara University, in collaboration with the European Union, organized a two-day international conference titled 'Re-thinking education in the age of AI.' The event, held under the EDUREFORM capacity-building project and co-financed by the Erasmus+ program, brought together representatives from prominent Indian and European universities and policymakers. Discussions focused on the socio-economic impact of emerging technologies on education and vocational training. The conference marked the official launch of the Indian-European Alliance for Education, aiming to foster collaboration among international experts for initiatives that enhance the societal impact of higher education. Panel discussions covered topics such as the role of schools and international cooperation in rethinking education. The second day included discussions on teaching pedagogies, technology in education, applied education, and innovation. The conference also featured the launch of a book by Swaroop SampatRawal, recognized for her contributions to shaping the National Education Policy (NEP 2020). Chitkara University pro-chancellor Madhu Chitkara emphasized the need for education to support the technological transition brought about by artificial intelligence and robotics in the labor market.

Source-Chitkara University