Using literature to explore diversity in preschool is a valuable and enriching way to teach young children about the world around them. It can help them develop an appreciation for different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, while also promoting empathy and a sense of inclusivity.

1. Select Diverse Books: We can choose books that feature characters from various racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

2. Include Multilingual Books: Introduce books in different languages to expose children to linguistic diversity.

3. Explore Various Topics: Use literature to explore different aspects of diversity, such as race, ethnicity, gender, abilities, family structures, and traditions.

4. Encourage Discussion: After reading a book, engage the children in discussions about the story, its characters, and the themes of diversity and inclusion. Ask open-ended questions that encourage critical thinking and empathy. For example, "How do you think the character felt? or "Have you ever experienced something similar?"

5. Related Activities: Plan activities related to the books you read. For example, if you read a book about a specific culture, you can organise a craft or cooking project that relates to that culture.

6. Guest Speakers: If possible, invite guest speakers from different backgrounds to share their experiences and cultures with the children.

7. Incorporate Diverse Voices: Seek out literature written by authors from diverse backgrounds. This not only provides authentic perspectives but also supports diverse voices in the world of children's literature.

8. Create a Diverse Library: Build a diverse collection of books in your classroom or preschool library. Keep rotating the books to keep the content fresh and to continually introduce new perspectives.

9. Celebrate Cultural Holidays: Use literature to teach children about various cultural holidays and celebrations. This can be an engaging way to explore different traditions and customs.

10. Model Inclusivity: Be a role model for inclusivity by embracing and respecting diversity in your classroom.

11. Address Stereotypes and Bias: If you encounter books that reinforce stereotypes or biases, use them as opportunities to discuss why they are problematic and how to promote a more inclusive perspective.

12. Regularly Assess and Update: Continuously assess and update your approach to teaching diversity. As the students grow and change, their understanding of diversity will also evolve, so its important to adapt your teaching materials and methods accordingly. 

By using literature to explore diversity in preschool, we can help young children develop an understanding and appreciation for the rich tapestry of human experiences, fostering empathy, respect, and a lifelong commitment to inclusivity.