The environment has always been the forerunner for everyone due to the varied climate and other environment-related issues we face today. Schools haven’t missed out on this mission. From actively installing solar plates to engaging students in ecologically friendly practices through eco-clubs, schools have been performing well in safeguarding the environment. To help schools with this process, here is a quick checklist to review if your technologies are green. As the name suggests, green technology in schools is the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies to reduce the environmental impact of educational institutions.

Start with conservation

Let’s begin with conserving the available sources. Usage of smart systems in water conservation like eco-taps with built-in flow limiters, and installing water heaters that can be set to much lower temperature but still work in the same efficiency can also be used. This helps in saving energy and water. Smart sensor systems for lighting and transitioning to LED lamps will also be helpful in conserving energy.

Waste reduction and recycling

Reducing and recycling waste is an important initiative followed in most educational institutions. Comprehensive recycling programmes have helped schools recycle tons of waste from landfills, thus contributing to a circular economy. Composting organic waste, recycling plastic waste, etc can be helpful in engaging students as well in adopting practices that can be followed even at home.

Preservation and maintenance

Preserving available sources acts as the next important step. IT department of the schools has a significant role to play in this. This includes maintaining the electrical equipment like computers, projectors, etc in good working conditions such that they don’t produce immense heat. Install smart power strips which help in preventing a small amount of power loss that happens when plugged in even when the switches are off.

Harnessing renewable resources

The usage of renewable resources like solar and wind in open spaces helps in harnessing energy while also serving as an educational tool for students, especially in understanding how these instruments function.

In conclusion, green technology in schools is paving the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future in education. Embracing energy efficiency, using renewable energy sources, waste reduction, sustainable infrastructure, eco-friendly transportation, environmental education and community engagement are some powerful examples for students and the wider society.