Children at Birla High School have ample opportunities to showcase their talents and hone their skills through a wide array of co-curricular activities. In addition to social, emotional, and physical development, it teaches new-age life skills like teamwork, leadership, and communication. This makes education holistic and all-encompassing. 

A compulsory element of the middle school curriculum (classes 6–8) is ACMD (Art, Craft, Music and Dance), which allows students to enhance their skills in sports, art, and music. Students can also develop their personal interests by joining CLUBS, where they can choose from 16 options. The ROBOTICS Club is the latest attraction. QUIZ Club of Birla High School is certainly the star performer, while DEBATE and COMMUNITY SERVICE clubs are not far behind.  Another mandatory element of the middle school curriculum is the after-school Afternoon Activities which offers several options like Yoga, Roller Skating, Karate, Basketball and Throwball. 

Through various sports events, the Annual Sports Day displays physical and mental agility. Team spirit, sportsmanship, and healthy competition are celebrated on this day. 

What Cricket is to India, Odyssey is to Birla High School! Odyssey, the school fest held every alternate year, has grown in glory and wings with each passing year. Odyssey's twenty-eight-year journey didn't stop even during the pandemic when BHS hosted an Online Odyssey. Apart from exhibiting talents in various on-stage and off-stage events, Odyssey is indeed an opportunity for the students to exercise their organisational skills, entrepreneurship, collaboration and teamwork. A magnanimous event like Odyssey takes months of planning, preparation, and hard work. 

The L.N Birla Memorial Institutional Debate is one of the most prestigious debating events in the city's school circuit. The competition is chaired and adjudged by some of the notable debaters of the city and students from schools of Kolkata and outside engage themselves in a war of wit and cut-throat competition to gloriously raise the distinguished trophy. 

The Annual Day concert involves more than three hundred students, directed by reputed theatricians and teachers to build a spectacular and melodious musical for the parents and other guests. Furthermore, students participate enthusiastically in inter-house quizzes, elocutions, chess, and IT competitions. Students and teachers contribute and attend exhibitions by the Social Science, Science, and Art departments, as well as the two-day-long Literary Fest by the language departments. 

Birla High School emphasises community service and encourages students to make a meaningful contribution to society; in this process, they gain new skills such as fundraising, networking, and communication. As a result, they become socially aware adults.

Some of the prominent social service activities organised are The Daan Utsav, No Horn Campaign, and Paper Bag Distribution. At the end of the day, the school ensures that every child, regardless of his academic achievement, identifies his own areas of interest and talent, develops them, feels accomplished and fulfilled, and, above all, strives to excel. Putting emphasis on individual differences is the core value of the school which allows a myriad of talents to emerge.