Sprouts are an amazing source of protein. However, kids may be hesitant to eat sprouts initially. To make this food interesting, here is a fun recipe. Let’s get our little chefs in the kitchen to make the boring sprouts a culinary masterpiece.

You will need:

1 cup boiled sprouts (whole green gram, chickpea, Bengal gram or moth bean)

½ cup carrot and cucumber mix (finely grated, carrots, cucumber)

½ cup silken tofu or paneer if you take milk products (cubed)

  1. 1 cup red onion (finely chopped)
  2. 1 cup tomato (finely chopped)
  3. 1 green chili (finely chopped)
  4. 1tsp lemon juice
  5. Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. 1. Take a handful of pulses of your choice and soak it in water for a few hours on the previous day.
  2. 2. Once sufficiently soaked, take a damp cloth, transfer the pulses into it and let it rest.
  3. 3. Your homemade sprouts are ready.


Take a medium-sized mixing bowl and put boiled sprouts into it. Raw sprouts can also be a healthier choice but some kids may not like it. 

Add chopped onions, carrots, cucumber, green chillies, tomatoes, salt, pepper and tofu or paneer to the sprouts.

Toss the mixture twice or thrice so that everything gets mixed well.

Add some lemon juice depending on your taste preference and again give a gentle toss to the mixture.

Serve it immediately.

If you are planning to pack it for lunch or a snack, do not add lemon juice. Keep some pieces of lemon and let your child squeeze it during the snack hour. This will help in controlling the flavour of the lemon juice.