In response to an orange alert issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), authorities have taken precautionary measures, declaring a holiday for all educational institutes in Kannur, Kozhikode, and Wayanaddistricts in Kerala today, July 24. The IMD issued an orange alert for these districts, indicating heavy to very heavy rainfall, while a yellow alert was issued for Alappuzha, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Idukki, Palakkad, Thrissur, and Malappuram. Due to very heavy downpours that hit Kerala and Lakshadweep on July 8, the situation is worse. However, the Kannur University Public Service Commission (PSC) exams are still scheduled as planned. Meanwhile, Delhi is also facing heavy rains, causing flood-like situations in low-lying areas due to the swollen Yamuna river. On Sunday evening, the Yamuna river in Delhi crossed the danger mark once again due to an increase in discharge from the Hathnikund Barrage. The rising water levels have raised concerns about the possibility of another spell of floods in the capital.Authorities are closely monitoring the situation and issuing announcements for residents in low-lying areas to vacate to safer locations. The heavy rainfall and the resulting flood-like conditions have become a matter of concern for residents and administration alike.
As the weather remains unpredictable and challenging, citizens are urged to stay updated with official weather advisories and follow instructions from local authorities to ensure their safety during this period of heavy rainfall and potential floods.