Every great dream begins with a dreamer who with his passion, sows the seedlings of realities and waits and works to see his persistent efforts come to fruition .The dream to make a difference in the society was seen and accomplished by Rt Rev. Dr Daniel Delany, who founded the congregation of the Brothers of St Patrick on 2nd February ,1808 .The Brothers then went about fulfilling this dream and set up schools all over the world to ensure that education is available to all the children. St Joseph's Academy was established by the Patrician Brothers on 2nd March, 1934 with only 15 students and 7 staff members, under the guidance of Bro.Adrian Keogh. Though the number was small ,the dreams were big and as time passed by ,the number of students and teachers increased by leaps and bounds. Today, St Joseph's Academy boasts of 3769 students, 150 teachers and about 80 ancillary staff.

It is the firm belief of the Patrician Brothers  that schools should be responsible for the all- round development of the students catering to their physical ,intellectual ,emotional and social growth. To that end, students are given ample opportunities to excel not only in academics but also in fields of their interest,such as sports, debating, quizzing, art, singing , dancing and dramatics. SJA has always welcomed the new technology and has integrated it in classroom teaching to make learning easier for the students.Smart boards in all the classes, state -of -the -art language labs, computer labs, science labs and a recently added geography lab have added a special tech- flavour to the entire teaching -learning system. Our tech- savvy environment was especially helpful during the COVID years where teaching children via zoom began within ten days of the virus paralysing the entire world.

Children are a bunch of live wires that need to be handled with care so that their energy can be channelised in the right direction. They are thus kept busy the whole year participating in various co- curricular and annual school activities that are organised  with  such perfection and finesse that these have become the talk of the town . Regular trips and picnics for the children and staff alike bring on the zing in school life and are  the much -looked- forward - to events at SJA.

As we stand at the threshold of the ninety glorious years of SJA, we sit back and ponder whether we have been able to accomplish all that we set out to do and the answer comes to us when we see Josephites doing wonderfully well in every sphere of life- be it as doctors, engineers, army personnel, business persons , principals, educators, dancers, musicians, movie makers or writers. They , imbued with kindness ,have reached out to the underprivileged and offered the much needed help ; overflowing with grit and determination have scaled mountains and with a heart full of patriotism sacrificed their lives for the country.

We look at the corridors thrilling to the steps of the young Josephites as they walk down year after year growing up into adults who are ready to become good and responsible citizens of India , bravely facing all the challenges of life; we hear the laughter echoing all around and the excitement that pulsates in every corner of the school and we rest satisfied that our hard work has not been wasted. As we begin with yet another spectacular year, we look forward to every little bit of sunshine and every drop of rain that will combine to create a beautiful rainbow that would cover SJA from one end to the other.