To empower a community of learners, who dare to dream, take risks and develop new realities.


To mould children into productive and responsible global citizens with strong character through holistic education enriched by the knowledge of Indian Culture and a feeling of patriotism and Universal outlook.

Chinmaya Education Movement

‘When we sit and analyse how to remould and recast the future, we see that it is certainly through the children of today who are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. But we must supply them with a vision.’ – Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda Chinmaya International Vidyalaya is one of the premier institutes under the auspices of the global Chinmaya Mission, carrying forth the legacy of over 50 years of excellence in the field of education. The Chinmaya Education Movement is one of the most significant contributions of the Chinmaya Mission to society. Chinmaya Mission's  academic institutions in India, administered by the CCMTEC (Central Chinmaya Mission Trust Education Cell) have seen over one million students walk through their halls and graduate through their doors.

'Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP) - Education with a Vision'

Chinmaya Vidyalayas are ‘Schools with a difference’. The holistic programme is enriched by the knowledge of Indian culture and is enhanced by Patriotism and Universal Outlook. The child is the focal point of this programme. The programme also embraces the school, management, teachers and parents. Through them, the light of this vision spreads to the society, country and the world at large. CVP was introduced in the international arena during the IB Asia Pacific 21st Annual Regional Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2006 and the vision-inducing programme received an overwhelming response.

Unique Features of the Chinmaya International Vidyalaya Embedding Values ……... a unique trait of our Vidyalaya.

 First IB World School in Palghar District.

 First Green Campus (Fully Solar Campus) with a Rainwater Harvesting System in the Palghar District.

 The school has cutting-edge facilities that create an ideal and conducive learning environment.

 The Science Park in our open playground allows learning Science concepts through the playway method. The hands-on experiences make learning joyful and concrete.

 Our Finance Laboratory is the first of its kind in Maharashtra (Western India-Goa, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra region).

 Holistic approach to learning (a unique fusion of the ancient and rich cultural heritage of the East and the creative and independent thinking of the West) and research-based learning are our strengths.

Chinmaya family gracefully accepts the responsibility to nurture and empower the children with the right vision to grow into responsible and compassionate global citizens, guides them to graduate with an exemplary character, and shows the higher goals that they can aspire for enabling them to evolve holistically, manifesting their nobility and divinity.

School’s Motto -Keep Smiling!!!