The first session of IIT’s placement concluded in December. But unlike the past years, the IITs have gone completely discreet with sharing the first phase data. What led to the secrecy in placement data this year? Some students and experts believe it is because the IITs have seen a slower hiring market this year. Sources within the IITs reveal that the first phase of the placement session has not been up to the mark, and now IITs are gearing up for the second session with the hope that more companies will pitch in with a higher number of vacancies. “In all these years, the placement used to get over within 15 days. However, the response from a few companies was not encouraging enough this time. In our institute, it was over on December 20. In comparison to last year, we have witnessed fewer offers from some of the top companies. But we are hopeful for the next phase that will start in January,” said a professor from a top IIT on condition of anonymity. The IIT Delhi claims students have received 1,050 job offers, including pre-placement offers (PPOs) in the first phase of the placement season. Out of these, around 1,000 students were uniquely selected in the first phase.

Source-IIT Delhi